Developed “GENBA-Scan” AR volume management system.
iXs Co., Ltd. (Co-CEOs: Fuminori Yamasaki and Takashi Karino; “iXs”) is pleased to announce the development of GENBA-Scan, an AR volume management system (“the Service”), in cooperation with The Nippon Road Co., Ltd.
■ The challenges the Service aims to solve
Until now, inventory (volume control) of aggregates (sand, crushed stone, gravel, etc.) has been basically conducted and recorded in non-digital ways by multiple people, and this has posed issues when it comes to productivity and the accuracy of the records. We aimed to solve these challenges by applying XR technology for infrastructure, which is iXs’ strength, to improve productivity and accuracy.
■ The Service Overview
iXs owns highly advanced XR technology and has been providing XR-related services such as compaction work at concrete construction sites. In recent years, it has also been encouraged to apply smart devices that are easily accessible to operators at infrastructure sites. iXs has developed the Service to raise productivity in inventory management of pavement materials in stockyards, with Nippon Road Co., Ltd. as its partner in the verification process. Nippon Road Co., Ltd. plans to deploy the service throughout the company at its own composite material centers. With this service, an iPhone’s LiDAR sensor acquires images and 3D data of the object and immediately displays the volume and other data with simple operations on the application screen of the iPhone. The measurement results can also be output as a report. In the future, the Service is expected to be utilized not only in stockyards, but also for a wide range of fields including civil engineering, industrial, and agricultural materials.
■ Delivery Schedule for the Service
This service will be widely available for delivery starting around April 2024.
■ Screen image
※Data provided by Nippon Road Co., Ltd.

■ Features of the Service
- Productivity improvement ( man-hour reduction) No need to shape the material to be measured for easy volume calculations. Measurement and data recording can be performed by just one person. Records of results can be output as simple reports.
- Accuracy of records The volume of the object can be accurately measured and saved by digitally recording the 3D shape of the object to be measured.
For inquiries, please contact,
iXs Co., Ltd. Business Development Division Kawasaki Business Incubation Center Business Development Division AIRBIC 2F Room A32 7-7 Shinkawasaki, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-City Kanagawa 212-0032 Japan TEL: +81-004-589-1500 Inquiry form: